L Word star Clementine Ford comes out exclusively in the new issue of DIVA

Clementine Ford talks exclusively to DIVA about her sexuality

“The truth is that I’m not technically out yet. There. Put that in your magazine. For me, there’s never been a distinction about anything to do with sexuality, so there was no declaration to be made. My siblings and I would bring home men and women, and as long as they were human it wasn’t a big thing.”

Her reasons for choosing to come out

“I never want to put a label on my self – but knowing that not everyone comes from such a liberal place, when something like Prop 8 [banning gay marriage in California] comes out, you realise it’s important to stand up and be counted. A little gay kid in a small town is more important than whether I want a label.”

She talks about the rumoured relationship between her and co-star Kate Moenning

“Yes, they’re tricky – and clearly we did our jobs right if there are rumours. But I hate to squash them, too. Whatever I say people are going to have their own ideas. Basically we’re really good friends now and people can draw whatever conclusions they want.”

On whether she is currently dating

“Yes, I am, but it’s new and I wouldn’t call it a relationship. I don’t want to say too much and jinx it.”

On her co-star in the L-Word and mother in real life Cybil Shepherd

“Mum and Jane (Lynch) have such a great energy together, on screen and off. They’re still friends. I want them to be together so badly; it’s my secret dream.”

The March issue will be on sales February 12, 2009.

Source: www.divamag.co.uk

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